
Change of Standards for Study Programmes

The Executive Board of the Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education at its meeting on…


Change in the way of submitting applications for cancellation of accreditation of habilitation and inauguration proceedings

The Agency is changing how it receives applications for cancellation of habilitation and inauguration proceedings. …


This week at SAAHE

negotiates legislative changes with the ministry takes part in ENQA CEO meeting with the European…


This week at SAAHE

continue collecting feedback from institutional reviews joined the ENQA working group discussion on QA of…


The possibility to apply for accreditation of habilitation proceedings and accreditation of inauguration proceedings

The Agency has made available electronic application forms for accreditation of habilitation proceedings and accreditation…


This week at SAAHE

feedback from rectors and QA officers  – next two Slovak HEIs after initial institutional accreditation Executive…
