Data obligatorily published on the Agency’s Executive Board according to §18 par. 2 of Act No. 269/2018 Coll. on Quality Assurance in Higher Education and on amendments to Act no. 343/2015 Coll. on Public Procurement and on the amendment of certain laws as amended (hereinafter referred to as “the Act”):
prof. Ing. Robert Redhammer, PhD.
Chairman of the Executive Board
§18 par. 1 letter a) of the Act | Robert Redhammer |
§18 par. 1 letter b) of the Act | prof. Ing., PhD. |
§18 par. 1 letter f) of the Act | 01.03.2019 – 28.02.2025 |
§18 par. 1 letter g) of the Act | based on the results of the selection procedure |
§18 par. 1 letter h) of the Act | Electronics |
§18 par. 1 letter i) of the Act | Microelectronics / Electronics / Electronics |
§18 par. 1 letter j) of the Act | Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education |
prof. RNDr. René Matlovič, PhD., LL.M
Vice-Chairman of the Executive Board
§18 par. 1 letter a) of the Act | René Matlovič |
§18 par. 1 letter b) of the Act | prof. RNDr., PhD., LLM |
§18 par. 1 letter f) of the Act | 15.03.2019 – 14.03.2025 |
§18 par. 1 letter g) of the Act | Slovak Rector’s Conference |
§18 par. 1 letter h) of the Act | Geography |
§18 par. 1 letter i) of the Act | Geography and Cartography / Human and Regional Geography / Geography |
§18 par. 1 letter j) of the Act | Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education |
prof. RNDr. František Kačík, DrSc.
Member of the Executive Board
§18 par. 1 letter a) of the Act | František Kačík |
§18 par. 1 letter b) of the Act | prof. RNDr., DrSc. |
§18 par. 1 letter f) of the Act | 15.03.2023 – 14.03.2029 |
§18 par. 1 letter g) of the Act | Rada vysokých škôl SR |
§18 par. 1 letter h) of the Act | Wood processing technology |
§18 par. 1 letter i) of the Act | Inorganic chemistry / Production technologies / Wood processing technology |
§18 par. 1 letter j) of the Act | Technical University in Zvolen |
Ing. Viliam Kupec, PhD., MBA
Member of the Executive Board
§18 par. 1 letter a) of the Act | Viliam Kupec |
§18 par. 1 letter b) of the Act | Ing., PhD., MBA |
§18 par. 1 letter f) of the Act | 15.03.2019 – 14.03.2025 |
§18 par. 1 letter g) of the Act | Slovenská komora audítorov |
§18 par. 1 letter i) of the Act | |
§18 par. 1 letter j) of the Act |
Mgr. art. Bálint Lovász
Member of the Executive Board
§18 par. 1 letter a) of the Act | Bálint Lovász |
§18 par. 1 letter b) of the Act | Mgr. art. |
§18 par. 1 letter f) of the Act | 15.03.2019 – 14.03.2025 |
§18 par. 1 letter g) of the Act | Student Council for Higher Education |
§18 par. 1 letter h) of the Act | Musical Art |
§18 par. 1 letter i) of the Act | Musical Art |
§18 par. 1 letter j) of the Act |
prof. PaedDr. Vladimír Patráš, CSc.
Member of the Executive Board
§18 par. 1 letter a) of the Act | Vladimír Patráš |
§18 par. 1 letter b) of the Act | prof. PaedDr., CSc. |
§18 par. 1 letter f) of the Act | 15.03.2019 – 14.03.2027 |
§18 par. 1 letter g) of the Act | Slovak Rector’s Conference |
§18 par. 1 letter h) of the Act | Humanitarian sciences – general linguistics |
§18 par. 1 letter i) of the Act | teaching of academic subjects, study approval Slovak language and literature – history / Slovak language / General linguistics |
§18 par. 1 letter j) of the Act | Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica |
prof. MUDr. Iveta Šimková, CSc.
Member of the Executive Board
§18 par. 1 letter a) of the Act | Iveta Šimková |
§18 par. 1 letter b) of the Act | prof. MUDr., CSc. |
§18 par. 1 letter f) of the Act | 15.03.2019 – 14.03.2027 |
§18 par. 1 letter g) of the Act | Rada vysokých škôl SR |
§18 par. 1 letter h) of the Act | General medicine, internal medicine, cardiology |
§18 par. 1 letter i) of the Act | General medicine / Internal medicine / Internal diseases |
§18 par. 1 letter j) of the Act | Slovak Medical University |
prof. JUDr. Ivan Šimovček, CSc.
Member of the Executive Board
§18 par. 1 letter a) of the Act | Ivan Šimovček |
§18 par. 1 letter b) of the Act | prof. JUDr., CSc. |
§18 par. 1 letter f) of the Act | 15.03.2019 – 14.03.2025 |
§18 par. 1 letter g) of the Act | Slovak Bar Association |
§18 par. 1 letter h) of the Act | Criminal law, criminology, criminalistics |
§18 par. 1 letter i) of the Act | Law / Criminal law / Criminal law |
§18 par. 1 letter j) of the Act | Trnava University in Trnava |
MUDr. Ljuba Bachárová, DrSc., MBA
Member of the Executive Board
§18 par. 1 letter a) of the Act | Ljuba Bachárová |
§18 par. 1 letter b) of the Act | MUDr., DrSc., MBA |
§18 par. 1 letter f) of the Act | 15.03.2023 – 14.03.2029 |
§18 par. 1 letter g) of the Act | based on the results of the selection procedure |
§18 par. 1 letter h) of the Act | General medicine, internal medicine, cardiology |
§18 par. 1 letter i) of the Act | General medicine / Internal medicine / Internal diseases |
§18 par. 1 letter j) of the Act | Slovak Medical University |