Involvement of employers in the development of the quality of higher education

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The event was organized in cooperation with HRcomm, as part of regular activities supporting quality improvement in the context of a new approach to accreditation, which emphasizes the involvement of employers in higher education. Identification of practice needs and participation of relevant representatives of employers in the design, approval, and regular evaluation of study programmes are some of the key requirements of the standards of the Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education. The participants of the panel discussion, who deal with these issues, either from the point of view of practice or at universities, discussed the needs of the internship, which university graduates they are preparing, and how to connect the internship with higher education.

The event was intended for representatives of universities, university teachers, representatives of students, reviewers, and representatives of employers.

The panel discussion was attended by:

• Ivana Molnárová, Executive Director of the Profession

• Lukáš Bakoš, Executive Director of Maxman Consultants, University Teacher of FSEV UK

• Peter Filo, Project manager of, s.r.o., former vice-dean of the Faculty of Business, the University of Economics in Bratislava

• Michaela Odehnalová, Career counseling manager at the Career Center of Masaryk University in Brno

• Tatiana Orglerová, President of HRcomm, HR Director of Central and Eastern Europe & Middle East, Knauf Insulation, s.r.o.

Ivana Molnárová – Aké sú súčasné požiadavky zamestnávateľov na absolventa?     

Lukáš BakošProblem based Learning a Peter FiloAko zapojiť zamestnávateľov do prípravy, schvaľovania, uskutočňovania a zlepšovania študijných programov?

Michaela Odehnalová – Ako môžu pomôcť kariérne centrá pri príprave absolventov pre prax a s akými prekážkami sa stretávajú?

All panelists – How can universities prepare graduates not only for today’s labour market but especially to prepare long-term employable people?

Event record available